Create Work Orders with Rapid Entry Tool
Select Tools > Work Order > Work Order Rapid Entry from the main menu.
The Work Order Rapid Entry window opens.
Ensure you are viewing the Create Work Order tab.
The fields displayed on this single-screen entry form are tailored to your organization. In addition to determining which fields should be displayed, you can set default values for each field. To view or alter the fields displayed or their default values see our article Set Preferences for Rapid Entry Tool.
Enter the information required for the work order.
The fields described below are displayed conditionally on the page, based on preferences defined for your organization. If the field described is not displayed, skip that step of the instructions. If a default value is displayed, you can accept that value or change it.
Complete the following fields:
Date: Confirm or change the date displayed.
Labor: To select a labor resource:
Click the Select control next the appropriate field.
Scroll down and select the desired values.
Reason: Enter a reason/description for the work order.
Select a requester:
Click the Select control next the appropriate field.
Scroll down and select the desired values.
Asset: If asset prompts are displayed, designate the asset associated with the work order. If no default location was specified for assets, the asset location displayed will represent the top of your asset list.
Select an asset:
Click the More control below the default Asset Location information.
The locations/assets available in the location are listed in a menu. Actual assets available from the specified location display the Asset Name and ID. Locations only list the location name. If the location has additional assets beneath it in the asset list, a + will precede the location name.
To navigate further down the asset tree, select a location designated with a plus.
That location is listed directly below the previously displayed location, and a new More control is displayed below it.
To navigate to a location or asset below this node of the tree, click the More control again.
The available assets and locations under that node of the asset tree are displayed in the menu.
Continue until you have navigated to the location where the desired asset can be found.
Click the asset you want for the work order.
The Asset ID is displayed in the Asset field on the left.
If you have navigated to the wrong node of the tree and need to navigate back up to locate your item, click the hyper linked location that was selected in error.
Meter 1/Meters : Enter meter readings if appropriate.
Problem/Failure Identification:
Select a problem, failure reason, or solution:
Click the Select control next the appropriate field.
Scroll down and select the desired values.
Select a procedure:
Click the Select control next the appropriate field.
Scroll down and select the desired values.
Select a type, priority, or category:
Click the Select control next the appropriate field.
Scroll down and select the desired values.
Organizational Attributes:
Select organizational attributes such as repair center, shop, department, account, and supervisor:
Click the Select control next the appropriate field.
Scroll down and select the desired values.
Labor Report: Enter any information to be added to the Labor Report for this work order.
Labor Hours: Enter labor hours corresponding to the individuals identified at the top of the window as labor resources.
For example, if John Smith is identified as Labor 1, use the prompts next to the Labor Hours 1 prompt to enter John’s hours.
Enter hours:
Click the Select control on the left to select the hours.
If needed, click the Select control to the right to designate tenths of hours.
Continue this process for any additional labor resources.
Labor hours entered will be recorded as actual labor.
Add items or parts:
Click the Select control next to item 1.
A field of all available stocked items displays.
Scroll down and select the desired item.
The page refreshes showing availability directly below the designated item.
Click the Select control next to the Qty/Location prompt to select the quantity.
Repeat the above for any additional items needed.
Parts specified will be recorded as actual parts.
The number of item prompts displayed is also defined in the preferences for the work order Rapid Entry tool.
Chargeable Indicator: Indicate whether or not this work order is chargeable by selecting Yes or No from the Chargeable field.
Status Indicators: Indicate whether or not the work order should be issued, completed, or closed by selecting Yes or No from the fields available to the right of the status indicators.
Whether or not a particular status indicator is displayed is based on preferences defined for your organization.
User Defined fields: If user defined fields are displayed, enter values as required.
Click Save.
The page refreshes. The data at the top, entered for asset and labor resources, remains on the page to allow you to expediently enter another work order with similar attributes.
Repeat steps 3-5 for each additional work order.
Click Close.